Core races, peoples and their banners of war
In a world where a formidable race faced numerous challenges, humanity emerged triumphant, establishing itself as the predominant species. Following the intense conflicts of the War of Deceit and Blood, Humankind successfully expelled the Var’ac and Storr threats. To safeguard against future dangers, Knight Houses were instituted, each assigned specific roles to support and combat these adversaries, thereby securing the well-being of both man and the reigning monarch.
Scattered across the expansive Kingdom, human settlements thrived. Yet, regardless of their location, all inhabitants bowed in deference to the current sovereign, King Magnus Galvo. Seated upon his throne in the capital city of Audax, King Magnus ruled justly, albeit with an unwavering authority. Well-acquainted with the rigors of battle, Magnus has earned the admiration of his subjects and his enemies.
The Storr
The Orestes Mountains, referred to by its inhabitants, as The Spine of Amaruq, serve as their new home, and seat of power of their current King, the formidable, Jökull Rex.
Perched high in the peaks, The Storr have withdrawn from society after the War of Deceit and Blood, freely roaming the glaciers and mountains. Hounded persistently by Humankind and their noble houses dedicated to their extermination, The Storr have gained a fearsome reputation as powerful combatants who unleash hell in their frenzied battles. However, this depiction fails to capture their true essence, as each Storr harbours a dark beast within, a force unleashed when provoked beyond limits.
The Storr are, in fact, true beasts of nature, Werewolves, and woe betides anyone who dares to threaten them and their kin.
Beware the deceptive allure of the Var'ac, the Vampyre race hidden beneath a facade of beauty and grace. Renowned for their sublime features, charm, and artistic prowess, they trace their lineage to ancient times, attributing the birth of their race to the awakening of the great dragon, Baranthar.
However, behind the captivating facade lies a darker reality. Hated by all other races, the Var'ac are master manipulators, known for their deceit and cruelty. Concealed within their ranks are the ‘Viessa’, shape-shifting Vampyres, Then there is the ‘Dihanie’, monstrous creatures driven by fury and bloodlust. Most sinister of all though is the atrocities the Var'ac commit. Luring mortals into servitude, enchanting and enslaving them as servants, turning the act of feeding upon them into a twisted noble pursuit promising immortality.
The Daemons, as an invading race, adopt distinct methods of presenting themselves to the world. Unlike humans, they forgo the use of banners and standard bearers on the battlefield, opting instead for a straightforward invasion and massacre. No pomp and circumstance, little is known of them aside from their limitless numbers and violent natures.
In contrast, humans feel a necessity to visually express their loyalties. Regrettably, some among them perceive the arrival of Ar’onath as a religious phenomenon and zealously pledge themselves to him.
These perilous individuals erect crude banners in homage to the Daemon Emperor, as depicted here. Yet, these misguided followers hold no significance to him, and they will meet their demise alongside everyone else who comes into contact with the them.
Echoes of Death
The Manticoresh